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I know some of you are probably looking in the mirror right now and saying to yourself, "I look healthy, but I don't think I need a diet plan." The truth is, while health is often seen from the outside, much of it takes place inside our bodies.💚

In North America, many people consider digestive problems to be a nuisance. Ayurveda considers these problems to be at the root of all health conditions in your life. You run to the pharmacy to buy antacids, constipation, and diarrhea pills - pain relief is as close as the new amphetamines! The body tells you your story.

 There are things that aren't right and we need to listen to them, but we don't do it until we're sick.

These are the signs that your body is telling you something is wrong

1-You are starting to become overweight. Foods with sweet and salty flavors are earthy foods that add weight to the body. Sweetness is also the taste of satisfaction, and in Ayurveda sweet foods can be included in the diet to promote the feeling of satisfaction.

2-They have a coating on the tongue. When you wake up in the morning, look at your tongue. If you have a white, yellow, or brown coating on your tongue, it means that food is not being digested properly and this is the first sign that something is wrong.

3-Constipation, flatulence, and bloating are not uncommon in your life. This is often seen as Vata's imbalance with Agni manda. Many people use laxatives and gas relief pills to help with this problem. Ayurveda says that digestion and data should be in balance. 

Many Vata types like green smoothies and salads: are two of the worst things Vata types can do to their digestive system. They should eat more cooked foods and fewer salads. Salads are cold and contain too much air for the Vata constitution.

4-Frequent diarrhea:

 This can be a condition in the lives of many people who do not understand that the fire element is out of balance. Diarrhea may be the body's way of getting rid of something harmful. It is advisable to let the diarrhea rest for a few days so that it can heal on its own. However, if diarrhea is frequent, you should check your diet for foods that irritate the digestive system or balance the fire element in your body. Very often, diarrhea depletes the water element in the body, causing dehydration, food is not absorbed properly and the person becomes malnourished. Stress is one of the world's silent killers. Stress can cause many diseases, one of which is heart disease. This is a disease of the blood vessels of the heart that can lead to a heart attack. Other cardiovascular diseases include stroke, high blood pressure, angina pectoris, and rheumatic heart disease.

5-He often feels depressed or anxious. Ayurveda says that food influences our thoughts, feelings, and consciousness. Anxiety and depression can be the result of Ama (food that is not digested properly).

6-Joint pain - signs of Ama

7-Chronic inflammation

8-Feeling of heaviness and tiredness after a meal.

So what can you do💪?

1. Stop drinking cold water

2. Drink only 1/2 cup of warm water with meals.

3. Stop drinking smoothies in the morning - for many people this promotes weight gain and asthma 4.

4. Do not drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach.

5. Eat only fruit

6. Sit down and eat.

7. eat most of your food at lunchtime.

Ayurveda is an ancient system of healing that focuses on creating and maintaining health and wellness through the balance of body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda encourages lifestyle changes when one does not feel well in their daily life or becomes ill and unproductive.

Ayurvedic examination and treatment give you the opportunity to monitor your health, know what diseases you are predisposed to, and find out how to prevent them. Ayurveda helps you to experiment, understand the implications and develop a good relationship with food, your lifestyle choices, and your emotional self.

A healthy diet that you incorporate into your lifestyle automatically reduces the risk of serious and potentially life-threatening diseases. So why not give it a try?

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